's Vanessa is a flare with voluminous sleeves, cut outs at the shoulders and an line. Features copper lurex stripes around the hem. 70% cotton, 30% silk, fully lined.
$ 78.75
$ 60.58
's Vanessa is a flare with voluminous sleeves, cut outs at the shoulders and an line. Features copper lurex stripes around the hem. 70% cotton, 30% silk, fully lined.
$ 53.74
$ 41.34
$ 84.21
$ 64.78
$ 55.00
$ 35.90
$ 120.00
$ 49.99
$ 78.51
$ 60.39
$ 62.09
$ 47.76
$ 84.89
$ 65.30
$ 60.00
$ 15.00
$ 52.18
$ 40.14
$ 25.00
$ 12.50